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Review: We Have Put Kelly Art Deco Bar Chair Under Our Scan!

One of Essential Home’s acclaimed icons, today you are about to find out if Kelly bar chair really is worth it!

Not the first time we review one of Essential Home’s bar chairs, today we are getting into more detail about one of their most iconic bar items: their unique Kelly art deco bar chair. Inspired by one of the biggest cinematic flicks of all time – Casablanca – Kelly bar chair tries to bring back that nostalgic romantic feeling. But we’ll get there… Keep scrolling and find out our thoughts on Kelly!

SEE ALSO: Review: Is Collins Mid-Century Modern Bar Chair the Right Choice?

Review- We Have Put Kelly Art Deco Bar Chair Under Our Scan!_1

If you haven’t yet had the chance to see Kelly, this is what the art deco bar chair looks like. With intricate lines and a velvet upholstered seat, it is hard to miss the mid-century modern bar chair in a bar. One thing we noticed right away when we first laid eyes on it was how it so easily stands out from all the other furniture pieces around it. We first saw it at Maison & Objet back in January 2017, and we knew it had to be reviewed eventually!

Review- We Have Put Kelly Art Deco Bar Chair Under Our Scan!_1

Inspired by the complexity and nostalgic romance of Casablanca, Kelly takes us back to Rick’s bar in the Moroccan city, where everything was glamorous. That feeling is probably most emphasized by the velvet upholstered seat and the polished brass backrest. After trying it and spending a few minutes getting familiar with the art deco bar chair, we noticed that while not being the epitome of comfort, it sure does make you look amazing and stylish!

Review- We Have Put Kelly Art Deco Bar Chair Under Our Scan!_1

After taking a closer look at all the details that make this iconic piece by Essential Home and having had the chance to talk to its designer back at Maison & Objet, we were told that polished brass is being replaced with brushed brass in all the footrests, as to create a more comfortable experience, and ensuring the design outstands the test of time.

Review- We Have Put Kelly Art Deco Bar Chair Under Our Scan!_1

In other great news, Kelly bar chair is actually 100% customizable! This means that you can not only choose the height of your chair, but you can also change the finishes you want, as well as the fabric for the seat. This way, you can get your mid-century modern bar chair with a copper finish and a gray leather seat (synthetic or not, that’s up to you)!

Review- We Have Put Kelly Art Deco Bar Chair Under Our Scan!_1

Our final mark? 9/10! What Kelly lacks in terms of comfort, definitely pays back in elegance and finesse, and you can’t get enough of that. It is the perfect choice for those of you who are planning a more traditional bar decor and are looking for the statement piece that will make your design feel timeless and unforgettable.

Technical Info

Lenght: 40 cm | 15,75 in
Width: 46 cm | 18,11 in
Height: 113 cm | 44,49 in

KEEP READING: 5 Velvet Bar Chairs That Won’t Get Out of Your Head Until You Buy Them

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