A house that is kid-proofed and looks at the same time as an adult home? Then is the house of James Van Der Beek the perfect example. Come together with us in.
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Actor and writer James Van der Beek admitted that before redesigning the house, it was a crazy jumble of pieces from different places they’d lived in, all commingling, but not very happily, he called it the island of Misfit furniture. Just in time and before this quarantine, James together with his wife and five kids had a big restyling of their home and are now enjoying the quarantine together in a more peaceful and harmonious space.
The house was decorated by Tammy Price of Fragments Identity and kept through the whole process the five kids of James in mind to offer them the best solutions both for James Van der Beek and his wife as for their kids.
Their first requirement they told the designer was to make the house flexible. The furniture must be easy to move from room to room, and from indoors to outdoors. To the Van der Beek family, having five kids, and usually a houseful of friends hanging out, flexibility is imperative.
The second most important thing to James Van der Beek was to have a house that is kids-proofed, but at the same time, the house must have the feel and look of an adult home. A neutral color palette together with different textures and easy washable outdoor materials for fabrics was according to Tammy the best solution for the demands of the family Van der Beek.
“The overall impression is tranquil and welcoming, but there’s still plenty of great energy here,” James Van Der Beek said. “I can’t overstate how big an impact Tammy has had on our day-to-day lives,” he concluded. “She treated us with so much care and love. We feel it every time we walk through the front door.”
The kitchen look matches perfectly the rest of the house, as it is minimal, white, and neutral. Nothing unnecessary is there and the focus is especially laid on functionality. The best bar chair for this kind of kitchens will probably be the Collins bar chair. It’s an incredibly glamorous and stylish bar chair that has a familiar and cozy feel.
READ ALSO: Quarantine Read: Not Only Good Looking But Also Comfortable Bar Chair Inspiration
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